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CartoNews captures the latest cartographic news and developments from around the world with emphasis on Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific nations. This news publication is distributed to members monthly.

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Mapping Sciences Institute Australia News

Mapping Sciences Institute News Australia is the current email delivered news distributed to members when required.

Mapping Sciences Institute Australia

Mapping Sciences Institute, Australia Facsimile Maps and Charts

Mapping Sciences Institute Australia provides a collection of maps for free download.


Mapping Queensland

This publication was originally conceived to capture the methods and tools used since Queensland’s separation from New South Wales in 1859. In doing so, the vast changes in cartographic practices occurring in this period, evolving from hand drawn ink documents to sophisticated databases and computer mapping packages is detailed.

Journal of Spatial Science Cover - Mapping Sciences Institute, Australia

Journal of Spatial Science

Publication now available online to MSIA members. Contact the National treasurer for details on access procedure. Non members to contact Taylor and Francis  online

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